Gearing up
We will be leaving tomorrow for our first trip away from home since Riley was diagnosed. I'm looking forward to it, but I must admit, I'm dreading it a little too. Just the stress of making sure I'm not forgetting anything important, that we have enough supplies. I worry that his sugars are going to be up from sitting around so long in the car. Maybe once I get everything packed and we're on the road, I'll feel better. I hope so.We leave in the morning for an AAU basketball tournament. It's 5 1/2 hours away. It's in a place I've never been before, so I'm a little excited about that, although I don't know how much time we'll have for sightseeing. Anyway, wish us luck. I'll leave you with a picture of my favorite basketball player.
Hi Penny!
I think you'll find everything goes just fine and will be pretty uneventful diabetes wise.
With the pump there will be a lot of flexibility, which will be nice. With the travel there will be lots of new stuff to deal with (unfamiliar foods, car time, etc.), but it will all work out just fine.
Bring a stash of backup stuff - you know, hope for the best but plan for the worst. But leave the kitchen sink at home - no need to get all crazy with it. :-)
You will do great. Is this a tournament for Holden? If it is I wish him the best. Have fun and relax (big key).
Have fun, enjoy the trip, everything will go fine. Tell Holden I wish him lots of luck!
Aunt Linda
Good luck and have a great time!!!!!!
Good luck to Holden at the tournament!
Have lots of fun, take some pics and like Scott said - leave the kitchen sink at home :D
Blood sugar can go way up during long car rides. It is very easy on the Animas pump to set a temp basal. Ask the Endo or you can see how high his blood sugar goes three hours into the ride in order to decide the percentage increase to give. I would check and correct three hours into the first ride. Then, on the way back home, I would have a good idea of what percentage to set the temp basal at and I would be able to use this information on his next trips, as well.
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