- First, I want to thank you guys for going over and giving some encouraging words to Lynnea. I remember how lost and alone I felt in the beginning of Riley's diagnosis. If I hadn't started this blog and met so many wonderful people who were going through the same thing I really don't know where I would be today.
Holden had his birthday celebration last night. We had lasagna at my mom's house. Lasagna is a rare treat around our house. It tends to wreak havoc on Riley's sugars. But, it's what Holden wanted for his birthday. We also had chocolate cake and ice cream. That usually doesn't affect his sugars too much, but that coupled with lasagna didn't help his numbers.
Holden opened his presents on his actual birthday. He got some money from family, the newest Family Guy movie (it has a Star Wars theme), and a Halo calander. Oh yeah, and he also got Rock Band. Michael and I and my parents all chipped in and got it for him. It's really the only thing he asked for. We started a band called Rodents Cry. (Those who know me well will understand the name.) I play lead guitar, Holden plays drums, and Michael plays bass. It's a pretty neat game. But, so far, I like Guitar Hero better.
Duke beat UNC last night!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you live in NC you know what a big deal that is. I stayed up and watched the game. I'm paying for that now. I didn't get much sleep last night. I got less sleep than I usually do.
I want to share Riley's sugars with you through the night. That will help explain the sleep issue.
5:36 PM: 241 (bolus given)
6:01 PM: 251 (ate lasagna, salad, cake, and ice cream and received a huge bolus
8:51 PM: 353 (got another correction bolus)
9:39 PM: 343 (ate some no sugar added yogurt, got a bolus, and Riley went to bed)
10:51 PM: 410 (got another bolus, start to wonder if it's the lasagna or a bad site)
11:20 PM: Duke beats UNC (jump and down and then go to bed)
12:33 AM: 402 (drag myself out of bed to do a site change)
12:37 AM: do a site change (hold back tears as Riley cries and wimpers)
12: 42 AM: kiss Riley on the head and tell him I'm sorry (crawl back into bed)
2:17 AM: 296 (hold off on a bolus because site changes tend to drop his sugar)
3:41 AM: 261 ( give him a bolus but less than what the pump suggests)
4:53 AM: 195 (still has plenty of insulin on board so we don't correct)
6:26 AM: 110 (Michael gets ready for work)
7:08 AM: 83 (Riley starts his day and I feel like I've put in a full day's work already)
- Holden's birthday celebrations are not over yet. I told him I'm going to have to learn how to make my birthday last a whole week too. Saturday we wil
l start out by watching the last two Bourne movies. Then, we will have supper at a Japanese Steak House. Then, we will go bowling. Holden asked to do all of these things for his birthday. We'll have a full day on Saturday.
Spell check is not working on my blog so I probably have a few mispelled words in this post. (as well as the last few posts)
I really need to get to work. I hope all of you have a great day. I'm going to go drink some caffeine.
I take it you haven't gotten any sleep ;) That was a doozy of a night to say the least.
At least Holden had a good birthday after the sickos you both were.
And i'm glad you're both better!
here's to a good weekend :)
What a night. And it sounds like it's going to be quite the weekend. I could be really mean and sad about the Duke (cough Puke cough) win, but I'll try to keep it together for your sake. The Bourne movies are great I got the collector's set for Christmas. Have fun this weekend and get some rest!
Sorry to hear Riley's sugars were so screwed up last night. No wonder you're so tired. Glad Holden had a nice birthday after all.
Oh, spellcheck isn't working on my blog either. I haven't checked with Blogger to see what's going on. But I figure it will get fixed eventually without my interference. I'm sure I have a lot of mis-spelled words on mine right now, too.
You had a full day before the sun was even up!
Spell check isn't working for me either, but I am such a bad speller that I usually copy and paste to/from Word anyway.
I don't know if this helps... because it certainly is not as good as real home-made lasagna, but I have found that Lean Cuisine Lasagna or Weight Watchers Lasagne, about 44 grams, you can heat them up in the microwave, do not have much effect on E's blood sugars. We did a 75/25 percent one hour combo bolus on the Animas and not sure what we are going to do for it on the Minimed yet. I believe it's because the noodles are probably overprocessed and cooked to death. Pop it in the microwave and it's about 8 minutes. Also Quinoa pasta which can be bought on line or in health food stores (cheapest kind comes in turquoise box) has helped immensely. We make baked ziti, which can substitute for lasagna if made with the correct recipe. These noodles are gluten free, they are not seminola or wheat, tastes virtually identical and digests beautifully. No more high BS after pasta -- and we eat pasta for at least one meal of the day four or five days a week. Also Quinoa Pasta is a super grain -- according to them -- but if you read the box has 8 times amount of protein. It seems like it's healthier.
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