Thursday, November 24, 2005


OK, I know there will be tons of posts done today in honor of Thanksgiving, but I couldn't resist doing one of my own. I want to try and come up with what I am thankful for in relation to diabetes. Not too easy, but I'm going to try. First of all, I must say some other thanks. I am thankful for my husband, Michael. He is a really good husband and father and really helps me out more than I give him credit for. I am thankful for both of my children. I am thankful that they are both healthy (Riley is healthy, just "pancreatically challenged") I am thankful for the close relationship that I have with Holden. He still talks to me and shares things with me at the age of 14. He is a wonderful person, with a beautiful, giving spirit. I'm thankful for Riley and all the things that come along with being his mom. I'm thankful for all the strength that God has given him to deal with his disease. I thank God for picking out Holden and Riley for me to take care of. Also, for sending Michael my way.

OK, now on to the diabetes thankfullness. I am thankful for all the advances that have been made in diabetes over the last few years. It wasn't that long ago that Lantus didn't even exsist. I'm thankful that people can now live with diabetes. One hundred years ago that wasn't the case. I'm thankful for all the people who spend their day looking for a cure, so that our children can lead normal lives again without counting carbs and measuring insulin. I'm thankful for the people who spends their days finding better ways to deal with D. The ones who find a way to make a smaller needle or that make the glucose watch that doesn't even involve beign stuck with a needle to check your blood sugar. I'm thankful and excited about the strides that are being made in diabetes research. I'm thankful that I'm more thankful for the little things now. Riley having diabetes has really changed my perspective on what's important and what's not. I'll hear people at work or somewhere complain that they didn't have the shoes they wanted in their size and they are really upset about it, and I realize little things like that used to bother me too, but not anymore. I've learned to kind of just let the little things go. Life's too short to let the little things bother you. I'm thankful that Riley is such a trooper about his shots and finger sticks. He doesn't complain, just picks out where he wants to be stuck and takes it. ( Sometime, literally in the rear, HA!) I'm thankful that even though finances are very tight since his diagnosis, that we have enough money to at least make ends meet.

OK, that's enough. I've got to go get ready to go to my grandmother's for Thankgiving. One last thing, I'm thankful for my grandmother's mashed potatoes and gravy:-) I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and takes time to be thankful for the small things too. It's the small things that fill out the big picture.

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