So, I thought I'd relate some of the things in pictures. Here's some of the non-D things that have been going on over the last couple of months.
Michael was on a church league softball team. I was on it last year too, but was unable to play this year because of my wrist:-(

His team went on to win the whole tournament. They lost their very first game to put them into the losers bracket. Then, they had to fight their way back. The last day, a Saturday, they played four back to back game. They had to beat the undefeated team twice, but they did it.
Did I mention it was cold as begeesus that night?
We took time out right before Walk of Hope to attend the local county fair.
As soon as Michael's softball season ended, soccer practice started.
Then on to soccer games....
They didn't really keep score at the games, but Riley's team had an undefeated season. The very last game I asked Riley if he was going to score a goal for me. (He hadn't scored all year.) He said "I don't know if I can, but I'll try." Then, I told him he needed a good luck kiss. I kissed him and off he ran to play. About a minute later, he scored!! He was so excited (and so was I). Later, when he was relating the story to someone else he pointed to me and said "It was all because of mommy's kiss."
The day after Riley's last game, Holden started basketball practice. I don't have any pictures yet, but I'm sure you'll be seeing some later. Games started Tuesday.
There was more to this post, but blogger won't let me post anymore pictures at the moment. When I am able to, I will share with you the ferocious dinosaur walking around in my house on October 31st.
Sounds like they are keeping you hopping. That Riley, that smile! He could not be any cuter. Tell the truth, when he made the comment about mommy's kiss, you wanted to cry didn't you? =) Tell hubby congrats on his softball tournament, and good luck to Holden for the basketball season. Can't wait to see the dinosaur, I bet it was a cute one. lol
Awesome pics! And how cool! Both about Michael's softball team kicking ass and Riley scoring that goal!!
cute pics, Riley is such a cutie
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