First, it's flu shot season. And, because I'm a nurse, I feel I have to push this issue. Everyone should get their flu shot. My whole family gets it. But, those with chronic conditions (ie: diabetes) should most definitely get the flu shot.
The CDC says that 36,000 deaths occur from the flu every year in the US. And, there are 200,000 hospitalizations from the flu. We all know what a bad cold does to your sugars, so imagine the havoc the flu would reek.
This comes directly from the CDC website:
"The CDC recommends influenza vaccination for those at high risk for complications from the flu, including individuals aged 65 and older and others with chronic medical conditions such as heart and lung disease and diabetes, as well as health care workers. All other groups, including household members of high-risk persons, healthy people ages 50-64, and others who wish to decrease their risk of getting the flu should begin receiving vaccinations in November. CDC also encourages children aged 6 months to 23 months to receive influenza vaccinations."
Secondly, I went a little crazy one day and signed up for NaBloPoMo. National Blog Posting Month is in November. If you sign up for it you are saying you will post every single day in November (no cheating by copying and pasting previous posts)

Why don't you sign up too? November is also National Diabetes Month. So, you can hone your writing skills while getting the word out about diabetes.
If you click on the button in my sidebar it will take you to my page. If you click on the "Main" tab at the top you can find out how to sign up.
I hope to see you there.
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