My Sadie was a cat. She was 13 years old when she died last year.
I figured Joseph's excitement was over the PS2. Holden has a Xbox 360. He got Guitar Hero II earlier and I wasn't very interested in it. But, he got Guitar Hero III for Christmas and I really liked all the songs. So, I beat it on easy. Then I beat II on medium. I am currently trying to beat III on medium. I find it to be a great stress reliever.
Great job!
I can't figure out if your yellow picture is disturbing or not!
We used to have a pet named Sadie, too!
Nicely done, Penny.
Joseph is dying to get Guitar Hero!
His Gramma got him a PS2 for Christmas (thus all the jumping and screaming in my video :-) and now he says he's saving for that game.
Looks like I'll be playing it too...
The yellow picture is my favorite.
My Sadie was a cat. She was 13 years old when she died last year.
I figured Joseph's excitement was over the PS2. Holden has a Xbox 360. He got Guitar Hero II earlier and I wasn't very interested in it. But, he got Guitar Hero III for Christmas and I really liked all the songs. So, I beat it on easy. Then I beat II on medium. I am currently trying to beat III on medium. I find it to be a great stress reliever.
It's a big yellow hiney, which, because, yes, I am really an 8 year old boy, made me guffaw.
Tee hee, you said hiney.
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